



28th May 2020 - A Word From The Pastors Desk

28th May 2020 - A Word From The Pastors Desk

Sourdough bread 🥖, the Bible, and following Jesus! What's sourdough bread got to do with growing as a disciple of Jesus? This week Pastor Eugene Hor talks about how growing as a disciple of Jesus and learning to make sourdough bread have much in common.
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29 April 2020 - A Word From The Pastors Desk

29 April 2020 - A Word From The Pastors Desk

Pastor Eugene Hor challenges us by reminding us that our daily prayer life or lack of it is an indicator of who we’re actually depending on in our lives each day. Prayer according to Jesus is the daily posture of a heart that's dependent on God.
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22 April 2020 - A Word From The Pastors Desk

22 April 2020 - A Word From The Pastors Desk

Pastor Eugene Hor gives us a short word from his desk this week to encourage us to look at what fuels our heart and minds each day. He gives us suggestions on how to develop the discipline of regular Bible reading, and outlines the 3 R approach to meditating on God's Word: Reading, Reflecting and Responding.
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Who's Responsible For My Growth At Church?

Who's Responsible For My Growth At Church?

Who’s responsible for MY growth as a Christian at church? It’s a great question and sometimes it’s driven by the common misconception that the church needs to cater for ‘my’ growth as a Christian. So unless I’m getting something out of the preaching (it’s too long), or unless the worship moves me (it’s not very exciting), or unless I have friends (I haven’t got any close relationships), or unless there’s programs that meet my needs and my children’s needs, this church is not catering for my growth as a Christian! Can I say to you that to make your growth as a Christian solely dependent on your Sunday’s at church is not only a mistake, but far from what the Bible teaches. In fact, I would go as far as saying that it’s foolishness.
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